It Should Have Been Me

They say as you age, one tends to live in the past. I suppose it must be true, as I find myself remembering things I had forgotten, or wanted to forget.  The slogan on one of my shirts reads, “If I don’t remember, it didn’t happen.” 

Today I remember a trip our family took to buy a horse for the girls.  The man brought the horse out and assured us it was gentle and had been saddle trained by the Amish.  Since Deon would actually own the horse, we decided to let her be the one to test ride it.  I still remember that uneasy feeling that just in case something went wrong, or the horse wasn’t as gentle as it seemed, I should be the one doing the test riding, but I brushed it off.  Everything was fine as Deon walked and trotted the horse across the field.  BUT!!!  As they turned back toward us, suddenly without warning, the horse took the bit in its teeth and broke into a dead run straight for a 4-strand barbed wire fence.  Nothing Deon tried to stop or turn him worked.  My family and I watched in helpless horror as this tragic scene unfolded.  Was my baby plunging to her death??  As the horse reached the fence, at the last moment he swerved and Deon flew from the saddle, straight into the barbed wire fence.  We all breathed a sigh of relief when she staggered to her feet bruised and bloody, but thank, God, still alive.  I was furious at the animal and its owner and if there had been a gun in the car he would have had a dead horse.  There were no broken bones, but when Deon fell through the fence, she received cuts, and scars that will go with her to the grave.

As I remember that scene from so long ago, I still hear that still small voice saying, “You should have been the one on that horse.  If there was to be cuts, bruises, blood and scars, they should be yours.”  If my daughter were here right now, I would probably cry and hug her and tell her I am sorry and how wrong I was and daddy didn’t do her right that day. 

But strangely, when I remember this incident, a song about Calvary rings in my ears.  I should have been crucified, and I should have suffered and died.  I should have hung on the cross in disgrace – but Jesus took my place.  Those rusty nails, the spear deep in His side, the pain and scars should have been mine.  He died and took the wounds and scars to his grave, but when He arose the scars came out of the grave with him and ascended to Heaven.  But one day soon He’s coming back and some folks will see the scars and will ask Him, “Sir, where did you get these??”  He will answer, “When I was wounded in the house of my friends,” and they will weep and mourn and be in bitterness for Him.  The whole world will remember a cross standing on a hill called Calvary and the sinless Lamb of God who died there.  I should have been on that cross.

Remember Pompeii

The destruction was swift and terrible that wiped out the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 B.C.  The explosion of Mt. Vesuvius was so sudden, the residents were killed while in their routine.  Men and woman were at the market, the rich in their luxurious baths, slaves at toil.  They died amid volcanic ash and superheated gasses.  Even family pets suffered the same quick and final fate.  It takes little imagination to picture the panic of that terrible day.  The saddest part is these people did not have to die.  Scientists confirm what ancient Roman writers record – weeks of rumblings and shakings preceded the actual explosion.  Ever an ominous plume of smoke was clearly visible from the mountain days before the eruption.  If only they had been able to read and respond to Vesuvius’ warning.

There are similar rumblings in our world:  warfare, earthquakes, the nuclear threat, economic woes, breakdown of the family and moral standards, point to a day of judgment.  Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the son of man.  They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the day of Lot.  They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold , they planted, they builded:  but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone out of heaven and destroyed them all… Remember Lot’s wife.” Luke 17:26-32  Jesus could have used Pompeii as an example of end time events – they knew.  But instead he reminded them of Noah, and said it will happen again.  “And as it was in the days of Lot…”  This generation is not in darkness that that day should overtake them unaware.  Remember Pompeii!

Rev. Dennis Light

Magnified Word

Psalm 138:4 David declared, “For thou hast magnified Thy word above all thy name.”

I have read this many times and wondered, “How can it be?”  After prayer and study I saw something many miss. To Jesus’ name people, the revelation that anything could compare to or excel above the name of our God is astounding.

* II Samuel 7:26 Let thy name be magnified

* Proverbs 18:10 The name of The Lord is a strong tower

* Acts 4:12 There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.

* Philippians 2:9-11 A name above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess.

* Colossians 3:17 What so ever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the LORD Jesus.

I saw that in the beginning was the Word John 1:1.  Before the Heavens and earth, before the sun, moon, stars…when all there was in existence was darkness and void, the Word of God was.

The Word of God is the foundation and the hinge of everything God has done, is going will do.  The worlds were framed by the Word of God Hebrews 11:2…God said let there be light – there was light.  God said let there be firmament – waters divided.  Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.

It is said you can’t be saved without a preacher.  Ok, that’s Bible, but neither can you be saved without the Word of God.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  The angel in Revelation told John to eat the Book. Your faith is built by the Word of God.  If you want to activate the power of God in your life read, study, devour, memorize the Word.  The Word produces faith that merely praying and fasting won’t produce.  Faith needs a foundation – know and claim every promise.

You need strength to fight the devil, Jesus overcame him with the Word…it is written and so can you because the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.  All successful doctors, lawyers, mechanics, engineers, preachers and Christians have something in common – continued study.

Pastor Dennis Light
Apostolic Fellowship
Rolla, MO

Beginning Sign Language Classes

Begin learning American Sign Language! 

Every Friday night in March from 7:30-8:30 pm

Location:  Rolla Apostolic Fellowship
707 S Bishop, Rolla, MO

Topics covered: 

  • Fingerspelling
  • Commonly used signs
  • Non-manual markers

Cost:  $15 for the month

Appropriate for ages 8 and up.

Please register by calling 573-578-8988 or emailing with your name and age.

Proceeds will support an international mission’s trip.

Come cook with us!

Rolla Apostolic Fellowship’s International Student Ministry is hosting a weekly Taste of America cooking class. Come learn new recipes, make new friends, and practice English. Join us every Friday from March 9 – April 13 12:00-1:00 pm. 707 S Bishop, Rolla. For more info call: 573-368-7338

The Danger in the Chicken Park

A newspaper ran a survey of the most dangerous job occupations in America.  The statistics were both enlightening and shocking.  One would expect the policeman,fireman, or battlefield soldier to top the list.  But it was found that the cab driver was at the top of the list as number one. Cab drivers are more likely to be shot, stabbed, robbed, beaten, or wounded than other professions.  This cab driving is serious business…he or she is out where the slime and riff-raff meet the road.  Druggies, thugs, thieves, robbers, murderers, desperado’s, wackos all ride cabs and often see cabby’s as easy targets.  Now, I know it could be argued that preaching is a hazardous occupations considering the fact that Paul was beheaded, Stephen stoned, Peter crucified, John boiled in oil, and others feed to lions and burned at the stake (to name a few) for preaching.  But all things considered I would still rather be an Apostolic preacher than a cab driver. 

Being raised on a farm I learned that ALL Gods creatures stand in jeopardy of their lives, even in the safe confines of the old home place.  Now, I know it’s appointed unto man and beast to die at some future time, but until that dreadful date, what could be more secure than the cow supplying her fair share of milk for the family, the horse giving rides, the chicken laying an egg every day, and the dog standing guard or chasing varmint’s off…..quite a haven of peace seemingly.  The chicken is the most timid of all farm creatures, but I learned early on that looks are deceiving.  One day while gathering the eggs I said, “Wook mom, that chickens head is all bwoody, what happened to it?”  Mom explained that chickens do that to each other for no apparent reason.  They walk around in the chicken park and suddenly, like a striking rattle snake they peck each other on the head and body.  All day long, CLUCK, CLUCK, PECK, until ofter a while the blood begins to flow.  It is not unusual or them to peck each other to death and keep on pecking until all that’s left is bare bones.  I decided being a chicken was dangerous and a chicken park was a bad place to live!!! 

The story is told of a farmer who found an eagles nest and took one of the eggs home, and placed it under a setting hen to hatch with the rest of her chicks.  For weeks the eaglet followed the mother hen around the park with his adopted family.  Then one day he saw another eagle flying high above him and some instinct deep inside said; I wasn’t meant to walk around in chicken parks, pecking each other on the head.  I don’t want to live like this.  I was born to fly.  The young eagle began to run beating his wings as hard and fast as he could.  Slowly his feet left the ground and he cleared the chicken park fence.  His wings caught an upward draft and he soared higher and  higher, never to return to the chicken park.

The spiritual application is clear.  It has never been the will of God for His people to walk around in spiritual mediocrity, nitpicking, fault finding, pecking each other on the head, enduring the ankle bites of lesser men; but to spread our spiritual wings and rise above all that, and soar into the rarefied wings of Apostolic Power.  Isa. 40:31 “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles.”  I have decided that cab driving is dangerous, preaching can be dangerous, but living in a chicken park is more dangerous still.  So if I had my choice, Lord, let me mount up on eagles wings!

A Kingdom Divided

Some time ago I called a distric for information concerning the time of their campmeeting, and if there was dorms on the campgrounds, etc.  In the course of hte conversation teh brother inquired if I was liberal or conservative.  Somewhat taken aback, I asked, “Since when did that ge3t in teh church?  I am neither.  I’m Apostolic, Jesus name, holiness, Acts 2:38-40, Acts 4:12, Mark 16:15-20.”  On the day of Pentecost Petere stood with the eleven, there no liberals or conservatives.  I ahve since been enlightened to teh fact that there are indeed leberals and soncervatives in th Apostolic movement…however, Paul asked the question, “Is Christ divided?”  Without turning this into a long drawn out Bible study, suffice it to say Jesus said a kingdom divided against itself shall not stand.

We are entering a long presidential campaign and already the battle lines of each political party are being drawn.  Now when it comes to politics, I have walked a tightrope all my life.  My mother’s family are all cold-eyed Democrats while my father’s family are hard-nosed Republicans.  When family reunion comes around, it’s prudent to remember which side of the family it is.  Now I am not afraid to tell anyone what I am, which means I am ALL American.  Part Indian, part Irish, part Dutch, part English, and some of my ancestors came over on the Mayflower.  I suppose Merle Haggard had my sentiments when he sang, “When you’re running down my country you’re walking on the fighting side of me.”  It’s discouraging to see the greatest nation in the world being torn to pieces and destroyed by political factions who would have you believe they are patriots.  It doesn’t matter which faction is in office.  Nothing good for America ever gets done because of fierce opposition from the other side.  Someone said, “we want a president that will help us, not the other countries.”  When our elected officials vote for a most favored nation, it had better be AMerica.  These corporations sending their work overseas will wake up and find that CHina owns us and them lock stock and barrel.  A nation divided against itself can’t stand.

What Can I Give the Lord

When we give our hearts to Jesus we are looking for forgiveness, peace, joy and happiness.  We are turning to the Lord with all our needs.  Because we know Jesus cares we find strength and comfort in prayer; telling Jesus how we feel, our troubles, sickness and sorrows.  We get up from prayer knowing God loves us and never gets tired of being there for us.  The Bible tells us over and over of God’s great commitment to us.

The question is, what do I give back to Him?  Our walk with Jesus should never be a one-sided relationship.  When reading God’s word, the Bible, I should look for all the great and mighty things He has done, giving God praise and honor.  I should also be looking for ways of living a better Christian life that are pleasing to Him.

Our prayers should be about us, yes! But also it’s about a return of love and thankfulness.  A time of lifting Jesus up with our heart and soul.  To know and care about the things important to Him.  When Jesus speaks to us in prayer about something we should do, do it with a willing heart.  That’s our way of returning love, glory and honor to Him.

To share a relationship is so much fuller than being only a taker.

–Sis Light

He Invented It

In the early days of the car, a man and woman were out for a ride in their new Model T Ford.  Suddenly the motor sputtered, backfired a few times, and died.  The gentleman raised the hood and examined everything, but saw no reason the car should not run.  A dignified man pulled up in his new Ford and asked what the problem was.  The gentleman explained he didn’t know what caused the car to sputter backfire, and stall.  The stranger opened the hood, made a few adjustments, and in a few minutes the couple were on their way again.  The wife said, “I wonder how he knew how to fix the problem so fast.”  The husband replied, “Because that was Henry Ford.  He invented it.”

God is the great Physician.  His knowledge of the human body is complete.  He can do more for the sick and diseased than can all earthly doctors and surgeons combined.  He created us – is it not reasonable then to believe that He can heal us when we’re sick?  My grandfather once said, “When you put yourself in God’s hands, you’re in pretty good hands.”  I agree.

Pastor and Sis. Light

Pastor and Sis. Light

Pastor and Sis. Light

Reverend Dennis Light was born and raised in the Rolla area. Two weeks after his 17th birthday, Bro. Light elisted in the U.S. Navy. It was while stationed at Norfolk, VA that he gave his heart to the Lord and was filled with the Holy Ghost. Bro. Light immediately became active in the evangelism ministry of the local church…including Bible studies at the Youth Detention Center.

Though the years since 1972, Bro. Light has worked steadily in the ministry in different positions. He started a home missions work in Geneva, NY from 1983-1987. He has served as both Pastor and Assistant Pastor, Youth Leader, and as a Sunday School teacher in the Rolla, St. James, Jerome, and Waynesville areas.

Bro. and Sis. Light desire to work again in the Rolla area-starting a new work at 707 S. Bishop. As Pastor of Apostolic Fellowship his focus is on personal evangelism, campus ministry and home Bible studies. Pastor and Sis. Light welcome you to worship with them at Apostolic Fellowship.